Careers | Pinnacle Business Systems, Inc. - Award Winning IT Provider
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What’s your passion?
Check out our Current Openings

Pinnacle hires and recruits only the best talent and holds our employees to high expectations.

Our success is a direct result of the contributions and work ethic of the most talented workforce in the industry.

Looking for perks? We’ve got you covered.

Pinnacle has developed an environment that offers real opportunity, achievement and advancement. Our culture fosters a spirit of pride, accomplishment and camaraderie that makes Pinnacle a great place to invest in your future.

Salaries are competitive with market standards.

We support continued professional development and learning.

Flexible work hours that support a healthy work/life balance.

Paid holidays and time off that increases with tenure.

Competitive health packages to keep you healthy and happy.

Gain access to a nationwide network of gyms at a discount.

Lots of camaraderie, team outings, and fierce karaoke competitions.

Paid volunteer hours to donate to the cause close to your heart

Our company is stronger than ever, and we realize that our primary strength is our employees. We provide employees with the tools, direction and support to improve their skills and make the most of their experience at Pinnacle.


Technology and family are the two common themes amongst the Pinnacle team. But beyond those two we’re as diverse and unique as they come. We’re avid gardeners, karaoke fiends, and one of us in particular was the National Stamp Out Smoking Baby of 1987. Who would’ve known, right?


Meghan Lee

Office Manager - Executive Assistant
Clint Parrish

Clint Parrish

Senior Managed Services - Solutions Architect
Cheryl O’Bannon PBS_0699

Cheryl O'Bannon

Senior Account Executive
Alan Bunyard PBS_0678

Alan Bunyard

Solutions Architect
Read a bit about some of our team members