Managed Services | Pinnacle
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Our industry-certified team can support you in all areas of IT.

Pinnacle’s MSP and monitoring services allows you to deploy your key resources on priority projects, while our technical team handles the day-to-day support, implementation, management or installation of your IT infrastructure. Our services provide an efficient and effective means of planning, hiring, and deploying of the resources needed to assist you in managing your most important resource, time.

Managed IT Services

Pinnacle’s managed services provide remote management and administration in all critical areas of the data center.

Managed Storage

This service provides storage monitoring and management of your storage environments. Managed storage also includes storage monitoring and includes: array management, performance monitoring, firmware upgrades and data migrations to new platforms. This covers all storage connectivity types: FC, iSCSI, NFS and SMB.

Managed Operating System

We can manage your operating system by hosting it at Pinnacle or on premise at your customer location. This also includes the server monitoring option. Available on physical, cloud hosted, virtual servers, this service provides OS installation, configuration, patch management, 24×7 monitoring and basic troubleshooting. Includes OS license if required for Windows/Linux.

Managed Backup

We offer customers two distinct options; we will manage existing backup software infrastructure or we will utilize an enterprise grade backup and recovery platform to safeguard customer data and recoverability.

Managed Server

Take advantage of our managed server services which includes server hardware and OS (operating system) administration of a physical or virtual server. This also includes the server monitoring option.

Managed Network

This service provides physical switch hardware and management and requires the network monitoring service.

Managed Microsoft SQL

Our managed Microsoft SQL services provides installation, configuration, patch management, 24×7 monitoring and basic troubleshooting of Microsoft SQL Server.

Monitoring Services

Our monitoring services ensure your deployments always maintain maximum up-time and availability.

Network Monitoring

Monitors all aspects of a network infrastructure including switches, routers, firewalls, storage switching, WAN accelerators and load balancers.

Storage Monitoring

Provides insight into any storage platform whether it’s traditional block storage, network attached storage, fibre channel, iSCSI, NFS or SMB.

Server Monitoring

Monitors all aspects of customer’s server infrastructure and includes both physical and virtual environments.


No capital budget requirements for additional staff
Tailored solution to meet individual requirements
Flexibility for on-site or remote support
Pay only for the services needed
Gain access to a team of IT experts
Off-load required services during slow periods