Data Backup Services & Loss Prevention, Protection | Pinnacle
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Prepare for the unexpected, reduce costly downtime, and position
your organization to recover data and operations quickly.

Adoption of virtual IT infrastructure and cloud data storage increases the scope and complexity of business continuity planning. Today, maintaining high availability of critical applications and safeguarding data extends far beyond data backup services and data loss prevention. The key challenge is satisfying continuous up-time, data protection and compliance imperatives in a constantly evolving environment.

In the event of a planned or unexpected outage, how do you ensure that your business can operate? Will vital systems and high-availability applications continue to serve customers without jeopardizing revenues? Are the business continuity plans and protections currently in place sufficient to address unforeseen future risks?

Application protection, data backup and disaster recovery solutions

Our specialists will work with you to develop and implement a flexible and affordable disaster recovery plan that incorporates system redundancy and accessibility. Our information security and data protection services defend your critical data from unauthorized access while satisfying regulatory requirements for proper data retention and life cycle management.

Because your organization and environment are unique, the solutions we recommend are custom-tailored to your particular needs. What’s more, they strike the optimal balance of performance and scalability, complexity and cost. With the right plans and resources in place, rest assured that the infrastructure, servers, applications, networking and storage you depend on will continue to perform.

Assess the Environment

We examine your existing infrastructure to determine what applications and data need to be protected, and at what level.

Align with the business

We match these requirements to business needs and plans, as well as the desired recovery point objective (RPO) and recovery time objective (RTO).

Develop and recommend

After establishing where you are, a Pinnacle specialist helps you define goals and recommend the most appropriate solution. This includes leveraging current tools and resources with necessary additions to implement a true application/data protection or disaster recovery plan.

Implement and test

We support your team throughout implementation, then test your disaster recovery plan to ensure success. While deploying this individualized solution within your data center infrastructure or extended data center, we work as your advocate when negotiating pricing and dealing with partners. This streamlines the entire implementation process

Flexible options for uninterrupted availability and system redundancy

Through our high-availability partners, we can build your infrastructure to be resilient and fault-tolerant to minimize downtime. You can also choose to use Pinnacle’s data centers for disaster recovery through our shared infrastructure model. This option is very cost-effective if you prefer not to manage a second, redundant environment.


If high availability is not sufficient to satisfy your service level agreements, we offer multiple colocation and hosting options for complete system redundancy. They build on our high-availability solutions, coupled with state-of-the-art technological resources, data centers and telecommunications. These fully redundant facilities can meet SLAs for 99.9% up-time, ensuring 24/7 availability of critical applications.

Assurance that your company is well prepared

Pinnacle Business Systems tailors its solution and services to bridging the gap between the present and future, and from existing infrastructure to new technologies. When you entrust us with applications and data protection, or disaster recovery services, you can be confident that you have a sound business continuity strategy and plan in place. In the event of an outage – planned or unplanned – your environment can fail over to another location, your applications will be up and running, and your business will continue to operate.